Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Beloved Day One

Sweet mercy.

Running straight for 36 hours never felt so good. Cambridge is BEAUTIFUL. And I'm fairly certain that because of all of the crazy flight mishaps and malfunctions, actually  making it here made it that much more wonderful.

I truly can't describe what it's like here. My eyes are all trippin' out on me because they can't believe everything they're beholding! (you'd think it'd be the lack of sleep, but alas, no! it really is this darn stankin' unbelievable!) Oh my heart, I'll post pictures once I get some sleep-- but holy sugar folks, these buildings are breath taking. I truly can't walk by one without again reminding myself how privileged I am to be here. To stand where so many others have stood. I'm so blessed.

Also, hearing accents all the day long, is noooooooo problem whatsoever.

And what?? they don't put ice in their drinks, alright whatever! 
**great news, I've successfully drank out of a cup ALL day.

I've met crumb loads of students in the PKP program everywhere from Harvard, to Penn, to UCLA, to John Hopkin. I'm truly surrounded by greatness. These students are wise, driven, and just as anxious to be here as I am! Everyone wants to meet each other and just spread the love, which I've never been opposed to! 

Picture this. Hogwarts' Great Hall. Thinly sliced beef. Peach lemonade. Greek cucumber salad. Lemon cheesecake. Chocolate torte. Sharply dressed servers calling you "Love" and "Miss." FOLKS. OPENING BUFFET IN KINGS' HALL= Christmas. I mean, thinly sliced beef is magical anywhere, but in Cambridge. That alone fulfilled me for the next two months. Literally, I couldn't believe I was there the ENTIRE time.

The other BYU kids here are engaging, magnetic and so so SOOO brilliant. It's out of control. I love it! I feed off of them and the other students' smart conversations. Like 95% of the people I've met are really sharp, witty, sarcastic and quick. I'm so diggin' this.

Undoubtedly. The Spirit is here. You can feel it, especially in the reverent parks and buildings. I'm furthering my testimony that EVERYTHING speaks His name. This is a special place and I'm committed and stoked to bringing the light and truth that I have through the gospel to Cambridge! I promised myself that I would leave Cambridge better than I found it, which I don't think can be possible... seeing as it's already phenomenal. But I'll do my best. I've been gifted this opportunity, and I'm going to exhaust every last energy I have, so when my two months is up, I can walk away feeling COMPLETELY fulfilled! 

Some take away:
EXPLORE each of the Cambridge college gardens. They're beautiful, SUPER quiet, and they smell like a dream. (we visited the Magdalene College garden today on a tour, and I totally made some peeps believe on the tour that they filmed the Secret Garden there. I mean, I was just throwin' in my two cents... I mean pence... keepin' the tour alive. These few PKP students TOTES believed me. Then the tour guide heard and for some stankin' reason, didn't find it amusing. pffff. what is this British realistic humor??)

ENJOY the moments everyday the Lord grants us that cause to step back, pause, sigh, and think to ourselves, "I'm SO blessed." Because it's those moments we remember most, and it's those moments He desires to continue to give us. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. K-Baby. I am so, so happy that you are the one that was granted this opportunity! You're gratefulness oozes from you and I love it so much. You are truly deserving, and you're going to be bless so much while you're there! I literally was about to cry as I read that because you're so humble and wonderful!

    Thank goodness they welcomed you with your best thinly sliced beef and cucumber salad complimented with room temperature peach lemonade in the Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry dining hall. Anything less for my dear Kelsey Mariah...FOR SHAME!

  3. Little Red!!! I'm so stoked you have this blog it's so awesome and I love the intense description that you give it makes me feel like I'm there:) like Charity I'm glad they are taking care of you with the Beed and Cumcumbers!!! I miss you dearly and I know that already you have changed many peoples lives just because your being you:) thanks for all you do for everyone I love you be safe and LIVE IT UP!!!!!
