Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cheers, England! I'll Drink to That!

So I’d hopelessly imagined that once I’d come back from this little Cambridge excursion, I’d have a better grasp on an English accent. Or at the very least, a natural usage of the English vocal. Well folks—please try and pick up the little idioms I’ll try and incorporate out of sheer adoration for the British culture.

I was asked yesterday what I’m taking away from Cambridge. Mercy alive, I have loads of things to add to my Life Lessons Bucket. Cambridge sure as heck substantially added to my bucket and with great privilege and pleasure, I present some of the lovely things Cambridge has offered me:

-I’ve learned how to marvel. For me anyway, I forget sometimes what a blessing it is to marvel at something. The Lord’s blessed us with so many breathtaking things to marvel at—we just have to open our eyes. Beauty is out there, we’ve just got to know what you’re looking for. Be it centuries-old architecture, perfectly manicured grass, the rain trickling down cobblestone streets, the picturesque streetlamp shadow, a candle-lit dining hall with smartly dressed academics, the view from the library window, or even the sweet old couple holding hands through a stroll in the park. What an absolute delight it has been to marvel at my sweet Cambridge.

-I’ve learned that man is good. Goodness gracious, do I have faith in the goodness of people! I’ve been associating with all types of people for the past two months, and I feel so wonderfully edified and uplifted. We stand on different ends of the political spectrum, our taste in music and movies vary, our aspirations and dreams differ, we belong to universities across the world, and our idea of a “good time” is certainly diverse—yet, I’ve gained so much respect for difference. What a blessing it  is that God created man to be unique, yet through my experience at Cambridge, I’ve learned that God also created man to be similar in our desire to love and be happy. I truly believe that goodness can be found in anyone, we just have to ask the right questions. The individuals I’ve met I revere and support. They have good hearts that have personally strengthened my spirit and sweetened my soul.

-I learned about flying buttresses and nave elevation (Gothic Architecture class), thick ethical concepts and supernaturalism (Philosophy class), Maradona and the 4-Minute Mile (Sports Journalism class), how to properly eat tea and scones (jam and THEN cream) how small the world really is, that asking for a “garbage can” immediately pegs you as a tourist, that water fountains and paper towels are a North American commodity, that some of the best musical talent can be found on the streets, that cookies are biscuits, biscuits are scones, fries are chips, and chips are crisps, that pedestrians have no rights in the UK, that conversion rates will kill ya, that small children with English accents will melt your heart instantly, that being called “love” and “lovely” is just about the darn wonderfulest thing ever! and that Wagamama’s are only in the UK (yeah, worst news ever--- google ‘em folks. They’ll change your life!).

-But the thing that’s impacted me the most is the thing that I learned about myself. I knew that my Cambridge Direct Enrollment Program would teach me about all sorts of things and further me academically, which it did. But I NEVER imagined that it would be teach me about my OWN nature. I’ve come to realize that the standards and beliefs that I uphold are because of my own choice. The things that I stand for aren’t because my parents sat me down when I was 11 and told me to do or don’t do certain things. I stand for virtue and purity because I’ve come to know for myself that that is how you live the good life. I’ve learned that I’m an individual with my own cognition who’s picking up lessons along the windy paths I travel. I’m agent and an active player in my game of life. I’ve come to trust myself so much more. It’s not like my parents were constantly around to check on me or the BYU blessing of being surrounded by people whose dress, speech and media standards are the same as mine. Rather, I was relying on the testimony, beliefs and experiences I’ve had and the tender mercy of the Lord to help me along the way. Now let me mention, I absolutely ADORE the people I met this summer who’s culture and standards are completely different from mine. I love being around them because we respect one another, and unanticipated to me, I’m reminded of my strength. I’m a woman, standing for goodness and virtue when that voice has become so unpopular. We are a peculiar people and others recognize it. We should be different. We should embrace the light and radiance we house as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and uplift others with it. People realize that we’re different. That we, “Glow, radiate, and just have this goodness about us.” This stems from our innate desire to do what’s right for the Lord, not to please parents, church leaders, or even the smokin’ Elders’ Quorum President. Rather, we should choose His path for Him. I’m starting to grasp the divine nature I have. That I’ve been created to stand for something, to stand for more. To love. To appreciate. To look for the good. To grow. To be tried. To reach out. To search for light and truth. To learn. To try new things. To offer hope. To share and declare the “good news” of the gospel. To bear His name at all times, and in all things, and in all places. To explore. To embrace. And to enjoy. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

LONDON 2012. The Olympics from within.

Once upon a time (like 6 months ago) I was signing up for my Cambridge classes. I signed up for Sports Journalism that had a class description stating that we would be using the 2012 Olympics as our backdrop. I thought, "Neato." So I then asked my sweet mamacita, out of pure curiosity, where the 2012 Olympics were gonna be. and lo and behold.

she said London. I had no idea. and since I then I've felt everrrrr so lucky to be able to taste of the sweetness and excitement of the Olympics FROM WITHIN.

FAST FORWARD. It's August 6, 2012. You and two of your greatest friends head off to see the Men's Olympic volleyball game (US vs. Tunisia) ***my sweet Jenessa's cousin is the assistant coach to the team! Here are some pictures of us at the game!!!

Just me. and the flag. and the rings. 

Jen Girl and I with our flags! Bein' all patriotic like!

Told you he's good lookin'!

My lovely Jenessa told me to grab my hair in exclamation!

EXPLORE the court after games. Because hey, you'll never know what might be poppin' out of those portals! Like... say... for instance... the MEN'S OLYMPIC VOLLEYBALL TEAM! takin' pics and signin' autographs!

EMBRACE your country. It's not that I've trivialized my nationality, but cheering on your team, listening to your national anthem, rockin' the red, white and blue-- makes you rill rill proud, and feel rill rill privileged! The Olympics are such a special time because they make you appreciate your country and others so much more!

ENJOY the closing ceremony, folks:) cuz I know I did! What, Spice Girls made a comeback! I'm not complainin' one ounce!!!

HIGHLIGHTS, you ask?
-having the ENTIRE stadium sing "We are the Champions" in like 48 different languages. so. cool.
-sitting in front of Matt Anderson's mom, where we got the skinny on the team's most babein player.
-meeting Matt Anderson, as well as some of the rest of the team.
-getting stopped by NBC to ask us if we wanted to be on the news.
-cheering on the US, with some of the best Americans I know!

A Birthday in Barcelona--

Dear folks,

Birthdays are the tops. Especially other peoples'. But for me anyway, it seems like every year, my birthday just never comes. Because I'm either gone or everyone else is.

BUT NOT THIS YEAR! Alas, my friends, my 19th birthday, was BY FAR, the best one yet:)

Having finished my gothic architecture final a mere 30 minutes before our taxi picked us up, we were off to Barcy before I knew it, and I LOVED it that way. We flew with RyanAir, which is basically lima beans mixed with pop quizzes and a dash of a hangnail. AKA--the worst. But we landed. So I can't complain too much! We breathed in the humidity and inhaled bliss.

As we walked into our hostel we were greeted by loud Spanish music, people running all over the place, the smell of seafood, BRIGHT VIBRANT colors, and a sweet guy bedecked with a sombrero, clown nose, Harry Potter glasses, and bubbles-- his name is Philipe and he was our hostel homie (he ran the place), navigator, recommendeer, and dear friend. He was actually the first person to wish me a happy birthday--

herr we are! just moments after I grew out of 18 year-oldship!

The girls and I then toasted to paella CRAWLING with all sorts of creatures that we all took bites of, and even named that giant shrimp "Floyd"-- thanks Brookie:)

The night ended atop the roof of the hostel, overlooking the Barcelona city, while the girls whispered sang "Happy Birthday" to me. I got chills, as I felt so, so loved. Chauntel, Jen, Giselle, Jenessa, and Brooke-- thank you ladies, for making me feel so darn worthwhile!

NOW MY ACTUAL BIRTHDAY was spent exploring, embracing, and enjoying the Barcelona streets! We hit up La Rambla, like every good tourist does! We went to the World's largest fresh market and had the best darn beverage I ever had partaken of! Freshly made coconut and papaya juice! 

We had gelato TWICE, ate the yummiest, flavorest (word invention necessary) meals ever! EVERYTHING, absolutely EVERYTHING, in Barcelona screamed "VIBRANCY." The sounds, the colors, the accents, the street performers-- everything! Here are some quintessential Barcy pics:

Our lovely companion for lunch:)

SOOO Barcelona-- just a great picture, right?

the beautiful walkway:)

had to:)

I LOVE THE BARCELONA PIER! (not edited one bit:)

The lovely women:) We decided. Our next reunion trip?? Greece. 2017. 

Love me some Barcelona sunset.

NOWWWW. The best part of my entire day. We went to this magic "fontaine" show that everyone had been raving about. As we get there, we find the HOARDS of people that had the same idea we did! The music was loud, so rightfully so, I danced my best boogie, feelin' very Barcelona at heart. It was like midnight, we were gettin' soaked, the colors were changin' and gorgeous. Mercy, I can't even describe it. I just remember lookin' around at mah ladies, soakin' it all in (more than just the water:)

So this is me. 19 and countin'. Lovin' the Barcy feeling. Feelin' blessed beyond imagination. Life is SOO good to us. We just have to be willing to try it:) Because remember, THIS IS THE YES TRIP. 

EXPLORE the many different gelato options. Yes, there's your fav, and of course they're going to have plain vanilla, but hey! You might just wanna give yourself a self-fist-bump when you discover a new favorite flavor! I mean I was fist-bumpin myself left and right when I found that coconut and nutella is like CHRISTMAS together!

EMBRACE the fact that if you're on a special trip, that you might not ever come back there again. So please, for your sake and my own, LIVE IT UP. Do the most that you can. That way you can walk away completely, entirely fulfilled. (I was really aided in this cause because my sweet Jenessa is the BEST TRAVEL BUDDY ever! She gets you from Point A to Point B soooo darn efficiently, while ensuring you hit up all of the good stuff, and still have time to stop and smell the flowers:)

ENJOY every, and I mean EVERY, opportunity you're granted to feel, simply but perfectly put, free. Even if it means getting soaked. ESPECIALLY if it means getting soaked.

I reached fulfillment in Barcelona, folks. I'm still thirsty and eager for more! To push myself further, to try new foods I can't pronounce, to say YES to new things, and to be thrown into a pot of boiling water (metaphorically speaking, of course) so I can just explore, embrace, and enjoy the culture!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy as the Sun!

(thank you Tyrone Wells for that title!)

THE SUN IS SHINING FOLKS! It was so good to see my old friend, the Sun, again! I had forgotten what the Sun had looked and felt like and then it popped its darling self right on us this weekend and I couldn't be happier!

Want to know what's wonderful? Let me tell you what I've gathered to be wonderful!

-THE PUBS! They're not solely alcoholic crazy... (though I assumed at first)... rather, they're a social experience that EVERYONE goes to! Professors, members of the Church, students, old peeps-- it's just to enjoy yourself and really talk with people! I love the pubs here!

-THE CLUBS! Well, I act like I'm a natural and experienced clubber. Hate to disappoint you, but I've only been to one, but it was so stankin' fun! It's called Lola Lo's (or something like that!) Just picture DANCING. A LOT OF IT. FOR HOURS! I went with some BYU kids and met up with my dear Yale friends  while I was there! It was safe, exciting, and ABSOLUTELY THE TOPS! I danced like SOOO hard core, it was outrageous! My dear sweet friend Shamae and I made Michael, Whitney and Elvis proud. We thoroughly danced our hearts out to their songs! And if you know me, then you know how much I terribly enjoy dancing! and let me tell ya, I haven't enjoyed myself that much in a RILL LONG TIME!

-CHURCH HERE! I've only gone twice, but I absolutely love it! The Sacrament prayers in accents, the wisdom of the people, the variety of ethnicities and how the Spirit is the same wherever you go! I got to be in nursery yesterday! (which was DARLING with those little toddlers and their little accents! My buddy, a little Black girl named Cherissa LOVED saying, "No thank you!" in her sweet accent!) And in two weeks, I'll be teaching gospel doctrine! I look forward to church the WHOLE week!

This is Jenessa, Aileen and I after church yesterday in the beautiful Sun!

-FHE in Cambridge. With us BYUers as well as Cambridge LDS students (which is few!) I feel so blessed to be able to worship and testify here, as I stand, supported by other believers! I feel so invigorated and capable!

-BATMAN! We were able to go see it and I loved it! The English enjoy Christian Bale ALMOST as much as I do! Afterwards, some friends and I went to Subway, where I accidentally stole a homeless man's only possession... that sole possession was a wheely chair. Which I naively assumed was usual Subway customer seating... nah I thought it was weird, but we needed an extra seat, so I wheeled it over to our table. When out of nowhere this homeless guys comes back and reclaims his chair. Poor guy. It might've well as been his shopping cart! I felt so bad!

-LONDON! We went to London on Saturday. And by "went" I mean walked 16 miles around and didn't give the London Transportation Organization one pence. We walked errywhere. From the British Museum (for 2 hours) to Trafalga Square, to Buckingham Palace, to Parliament and Westminster, to finally the Globe theatre and London Bridge!

(This is the Trifecta in front of a Buckinham fountain!... Get to know the Trifecta! We're a triad of bang-a-rang friendship that just so happens to love each other and get along BEAUTIFULLY! and who are going to BARCELONA TOGETHER IN 3 DAYS!!!!!)

(This is me and Jen Girl in the British museum, enjoying ourselves!)

Best part of the whole day?? We found this little antique bookshop on a small London street. We went in an looked around. I found a little black Church hymnary from some woman named Elizabeth Jean Hendry in 1927 (I presume she's just a sweet lil lady!) I flip open to a random page.... (the one page in the whole book on Marriage, of course:) and I find some of the most beautiful words I've ever heard!

Take heart:

(this is the first and most special words I read)

Eternal love, with them abide;
In Thee for ever may they hide,
For even death cannot divide
Those whom Thou makest one.

ISN'T THAT LOVELY AND HOPEFUL AND WARMING!? I had to buy the book. I felt the Spirit so strongly, and I've read many passages and songs from Elizabeth's little hymnbook and I feel the Spirit everytime. We even read the Marriage hymns in the beautiful park outside of Buckingham Palace.

This is me and my little book of greatness!

(I'm actually reading out of it right now! I can't get enough of this lovely poetry!)

-I bought a sunhat. For Barcelona this weekend, and I'm stoked out of my mind! Sunhats just make you feel so darn chipper and summery. I recommend it to anyone!

Fleeting thoughts:

EXPLORE books you never thought you'd read. You might surprise yourself with what they have to offer!

EMBRACE those whom you love often! I'm not that affectionate of a person, but a good hug goes a long way! Let the people you adore and appreciate know that you love and appreciate them! It can ensure that you'll leave them better than when you found them.

ENJOY the Sun! We need to live it up folks! Aside from the last 3 days, it's rained here EVERY SINGLE DAY. We need to remember to be grateful for the vitamin E we receive and the happiness that the Lord has granted us with the Sun! We're so blessed that the Sun also releases natural endorphins-- or I believe!

Smile away, m'dears! Life is so so rich! Let's remember that!

LIvin' English

SOOOO... I fully recognize that I'm the worst blogger ever...

and I fully apologize, so hopefully this post confirms my existence in Cambridge:)

Cambridge is simply marvelous. And I don't say that phrase lightly. It truly is simple--there's so much character, people just exist and smile and are polite, and no one really worries about anything... (which results in CRAZY driving/biking--you won't get hit by a car, rather it's those crazy cyclists!) And in terms of Cambridge being marvelous, I truly MARVEL at something everyday. I never realized beforehand what a privilege it is to marvel at something. Marveling fills your soul with warmth and fulfillment. I literally am edified and fed by the goodness here. I walk home from school everyday, Thanksgiving full with sighs and memories.

ANDDDDDD now, to recap. My past two weeks have been so so wondrous. And so so busy. (thus my poor Camby blog was backburnered...)

Some highlights:

Dr. Kerry (our BYU program director and Cambridge professor) hooked us BYU kids up and we were so so privileged enough to have a Family Home Evening in Kings' College Chapel where we had a testimony meeting and sang hymns. Look for yourselves at the beauty of this place! Most renowned choirs don't ever even get the opportunity to sing here, and we sang HYMNS!

(the inside)

                                                             (the outside)

Anyway, it was one of the most monumental moments of my life. Testifying of my Savior in a building so divinely reserved with phenomenal people in such a special place spoke sweetly to my heart:)

Formal Halls are a big BIG deal here. Let me give you a verby play-by-play of a formal hall. Do hair. Fancy make-up. Slip on dress. Fix hair. Strap on heels. Wobble on heels to drinks on the lawn. Sip on fancy apple juice while errybody clinks to champagne. Talk about intellectual things. Take pictures. Wobble to dining hall. Adjust eyes to candlelight. Sit down. Scoot chair in. Flip over the wine and champagne glasses and coffee cups so you don't accidentally get served unwanted beverages. Listen to a Latin Grace. Wait to be served on the left NOT the right. Eat 5 courses while getting to know dear people sitting around you. Digest. Inhale the delicious chocolate mints after.

basically. I love the whole thing. It's the whole nine. I take any chance I can to dress up and fancify myself as I try to up my class! I actually went to TWO formals just last week alone... which was a bit much.... however, I'd be lying if I told you I didn't absolutely LOVE it.

Here, do enjoy some pictures from my latest formal!

(sorry about the bad lighting! this was afterwards!)

(pictures are STRONGLY discouraged during the dinner... so my sweet roomate Mary Elizabeth---the one right next to me-- snuck one real fast!)

Another highlight is our late night runs. There's a group of four or five us that run no earlier than 10:30 for no less than four miles! Mercy, do you get to experience and explore so much more of Cambridge than usual! Last week, we had the coolest experience on our run! We were on our last half mile and Jenessa dropped her room key/food card... and we were all kinda freaking out/looking errywhere. We were right next to this swamp, so if it had gone in there... all sorts of hope would've been lost! We decide to pray. Less than 30 seconds after our prayer, a sweet like 90 lb Cambridge young adult asked what we were looking for and if she could help. We told her of our woes, and literally within three seconds the delicious words, "Here it is," escaped her lips. We felt to remarkably blessed. I've like never had a prayer answered so wonderfully! Had she never come, we wouldn't have found it because we had checked that very spot thoroughly for like 10 minutes beforehand. She truly was an answer to prayers!

SOOO before this gets too terribly long, just a few things I remembered:
-if you ever get the chance to try Wagamama, GO THERE! It might just be a UK thing, I'm not sure, but I've had it in Cambridge and London now and everytime I go, I leave feeling so so fulfilled. Like after opening your stocking fulfilled!
-a pastry a day keeps the doctor away! (at least that's what I tell myself!)
-playing the ukulele in Cambridge feels AMAZING!

EXPLORE the aisles in the grocery store you've never ventured down before. Who knows? You might just find the gem of all undiscovered gems!

EMBRACE the assignments and reading you're given as learning materials that will further and advance your personal intellect as well as your academic experience. Otherwise, you're bound to shoo them away as a waste of time, when really, reading is good! I'm learning, day-by-day, bit-by-bit that schoolwork isn't a bad thing! Who knew?!

ENJOY the Spirit when it enters your heart. Goodness and divinity can be found in all sorts of people, places and experiences! I'm learning that as I venture into different cathedrals, gardens and buildings. The Spirit resides where goodness dwells and I love finding the Spirit in different places! I feel the Spirit when I'm interacting with different PKP students here! These students (from Yale, Harvard, Berkeley, UCLA, Northwestern, and other international schools) are capable, bright and engaging! They know how to communicate and how to listen! They're respectful and EVERYONE is interested in the BYU students and why we have this "light and kindness" about us... also why all of us are married so young or gettin' there! I love these people!

I'm taking this opportunity to not only learn in my courses. But to learn anything at any chance I get. I'm learning how to appreciate nature and architecture. I'm learning how to try new things and enjoy my experience doing so. I'm learning how to explain my standards without coming across preachy. I'm learning how to be fascinated in cultures so amazingly different from my own. I'm learning how to love. I truly do adore the people I've met and consider myself eternally grateful and lucky for the sweet and short moments the Lord has granted me to learn from them!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Headed to the Homeland-- my weekend in Scotland

Well. I've already been dishonest with you... I'm actually Irish... so I have no Scottish heritage.

But alas, I still felt like I was home in that misty, overcasty Edinburgh of mine:)

 With the an 8 hour bus ride ahead of me,, my poor tailbone started feelin' just a wee bit apprehensive! But, sitting next dear Shamae passed the time SOOOO quickly. You should've seen us! We were gettin down in our little bus seats to "My Humps", "Boogie Shoes", "Baby One More Time", "Help", we had all of our genres and generations covered-- trust me. You would've had the time sitting next to Shamae too! I'm blessed enough to have her as one of my lovely flat mates. She's the tops. TO SAY THE LEAST. A stop at Fountain's Abbey (country unknown...) fulfilled me enough for thee entire Scotland trip. 100%. google it. or check my Facebook pics. You'll think you floated right into the Celestial Kingdom. As I'm marvelling at the ruins, bright green grass, Shamae begins to tell me about her pet frog, Pucker Up. Then it dawned on me. I have NO idea how many eggs frogs lay at once. Random. Irrelevant. Unimportant. I'm aware. But I'm so intrigued, mostly because I've asked everybody and their dog and no one knows!! So if you know, could you do a sister a favor, and let me know?!

We ended up staying at the University of Edinburgh, where our dorm rooms were stankin' on Rodeo Drive (slight exaggeration) So we're hittin' up Edinburgh's royal mile at 10 at night. The sky is white. The mist is everywhere. The buildings are mysteriously lit. And the pubs are all ablaze. But really. The pubs had people hanging out of them like the socks in my sock drawer. Bagpipe jigs and a strong smell of alcohol filled the entire street.I felt like breaking out in river dancing like every four seconds. The whole place was SUPER mysterious, I was so diggin' it! 

Our next day there, we went on this bang-a-rang hike that lasted like 10 hours! (with like a 3 hour bus ride) This was the wondrous view of misty Scotland atop the Killin' mountain. It was so absolutely worth it!

That night, we had the usual Scottish shindig, where we learned Scottish Ceilidh (pronouned Kay-lee, go figgy!) I sincerely, cross my heart and hope to die, have NEVER had that much fun. If you know me, then you know how much I terribly enjoy going to dances. Sweet mercy. Now throw into the mix Scottish music, some tipsy people, men in kilts, and errybody "loopin' their lady round-n-round!" it was the ABSOLUTE tops. I had permasmile for like 9 quadrillion years after! I regret to mention that there are no pictures of the Ceilidh that I took-- I wasn't gonna let a camera weigh me down while I grooved, not one ounce!

 Our final day in Edinburgh, we just walked around the Royal Mile checkin' out significant buildings-- it was rainy and cold as heck, but SOOOO wonderful! (we hit up The Elephant House where J.K. conceptualized Harry Potter on a napkin, the cemetery where she got the name Tom Riddle, the National Gallery, practically every kilt shop, a few pubs, you know the works)

AND THEN LOOK! WE FOUND THE OLYMPIC RINGS! I was stoked out of my gourd! Jenessa (the lovely lady standing to the right of me) and I are going to be hitting up the Men's Olympic Volleyball games in London in a few weeks! She has an angel of a cousin who just happens to be the Men's Olympic Volleyball assistant coach and he hooked us up with tickets! We don't know which games we for sure can go to, seeing as they don't know how far into the tournaments they'll go! All we know is we'll get a random phone call, on a random day, at a random time, and then hop aboard a train and book it to London! So spontaneous, I can't wait!

This is me, as a Scottish man named O'Reilley. The name has nothing to do with anything, other than that if I was in fact a Scottish sir, I'm convinced my last name would indeed be, O'Reilley.

Scotland was so very wonderful, but even though we'd only been gone for 4 days, and I'd only been in Cambridge prior to that for 4 days, comin' back to Camby felt like I was comin' home. Cambridge is far more of my kind of place than Edinburgh was (not to discredit Scotland). The little shops here, the majestic buildings I've been exploring in my Gothic Architecture class, the people, the accents, the PASTRIES, the feeling here:) Just know that to everyone I love, I desire DESPERATELY to get you back here:) someday. I'll show you around, and I can't think of anything that would make me happier!

***ALSO! shout out to all of my homies I've been skyping! Skyping is the best, and I'm being 100% honest when I say that boy! do y'all look great through a webcam! It's uncanny to me! y'all just always look so put together when we video chat!

Some food for thought-- (this actually will be about food!) I haven't had Chick-Fil-A in like WEEKS, and it's killin' me. So if you have chance, go for me. Enjoy the heck out of it and post pictures so we can enjoy it together! ANNNNDDD the peanut butter here is soooo not bueno. What I would give for some JIF! My midnight craving of like 3 years of PB and J's has greatly been neglected. ohh and saying the word "Bueno" reminds me of something VERY IMPORTANT. If you have ANY taste at all, like ANY, then you MUST try a Bueno bar! It's the stankin' best candy bar, I've EVER had! Chocolate. Hazelnut. Christmas. I can't even describe it. But just know that if you try one, you'll never need to be fulfilled again. like ever. in anyway.

EXPLORE the little shops and restaurants in your hometowns. Because I'm sure there are PLENTY that go undiscovered and underappreciated! These ones (sometimes!) are the treasures! At least that's the case here! I've like never eaten at the same place twice here, just try it out! And the little shops (for example, I went to a Haunted Bookstore the other day. It was literally the size of my bedroom, just two stories. and it was MAGICAL.) they won't disappoint you! You can only gain something by exploring the little stores and restaurants around you! Expand those dang horizons around you! We don't know our capacity to love and marvel at something new, until we try!

EMBRACE every opportunity you get to do something wild, crazy and spontaneous! (and wholesome, of course) My self-proclaimed motto for this entire experience is "This is the Yes Trip." And it's worked SPLENDIDLY for me! I've tried things I never imagined trying, gone places I never imagined going, and felt happier than I knew that I could! Just soak up and seize every chance you're granted to make a memory! If an opportunity presents itself to you, and you know that you could make a great story out of it, or you'd want to write in your journal about it-- THEN DO IT! If it's good, wholesome, and OBVIOUSLY, chocked full of great people, then you won't regret it!

ENJOY yourself. Enjoy the individuality you've been innately blessed with, as well as the identity you've developed yourself! Enjoy thinking of your proudest moments and your spiritual gifts. There's so much YOU to love and enjoy-- that's why people love being around you, because they enjoy your company! Enjoy what you've been given, and then commit to go forward and share it with others! "Where much is given, much is required!" Enjoy the special you that you are! And then go forth and help others enjoy themselves as well! For it's through this service, that you begin to appreciate and respect yourself!

Live it up folks. The church is true. The sun is shining.... well for the next 10 minutes anyway:)... the opportunity has presented itself. It's time to go out there and make a difference through spreading love and joy!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Classy Day

Well. First day of school m'friends. You'd anticipate a mornin' running smoothly and errything going according to plan, riiigghhhtt?


Woke up. Everything was chipper chicken. You know, taking care of some stuff--I was so stoked to like actually get ready as an enthusiastic little Camby student! So I start curling my hair. NBD. (I thought) I was just using my American curling iron which I've already used here when I start hearing this clicking. A peculiar sound, I thought, then the curling iron was like instantly not hot. Boo hoots. Yeah. My curling iron blew out... wait for it... on my last layer of hair! yummy! just picture it! So then I have this frizzy top layer and curled bottom layer, so I try my other American curling iron-- blow that sucker out too. Then, I decided to stop. Prolly my finest decision in quite some time. So I french braid back the top layer, and head to class... and if you know me... you know how tough of a time I have getting from Point A to Point B without going some roundabout way... So I'm getting lost. It's like whatever. (luckily I left my aptizz like WAYYY early), follow crazy close behind a girl with a backpack... she looked promising... and found my way there.

Clase de numero uno: (I'm obviously fluent in Spanish)

"Good Life or Moral Life"-- I'm stoked to discuss the pros/cons for living a good life vs. a moral life. So my don (professor), around 35, shows up in his oversized suit and unruly hair  (like rill rill curly... out of control)... and I'm thinkin' alright! what a man! He seems like a genuinely.. interesting... person. Then he starts talking fast. like indy 500 fast. And I'm like whoa dog! I can't write this fast! He then proceeds to mention that we have a 500+ page book to read on Philosophy that he reads everywhere yet still has the hardest time understanding. This reading is probably the hardest reading out of any of the PKP classes, and we'll most likely have to take it sentence by sentence! Color me stoked out of my mind. nahhh I was WAY overwhelmed! He's brilliant. He even said, and I quote, "Our lectures comprise of me talking for an hour and fifteen minutes, where I will share with you my years of study, so you won't want to miss lecture." He then started to pound out a whole bunch of Greek philosophers whose names made no phonetic sense... but all in all. I'm conquering this class. I had the chance to transfer, but I realized, why would I? I can do this. Shoots yeah I'm going to have to read. and try. and fail. and try again. and study. and pray. a lot.

But I've committed. I'm determined. And I'm gonna learn a lot baby!

My afternoon was then filled with blow dryer shopping, curling iron shopping, and hitting the mall with some girls from my first class. Thank juzzness. It was SUCH a break.

Clase de numero dos:

"Architecture: The Gothic Experience: 

All you need to know is my teacher's a champ and a half. Like such a beloved guy. He starts out by telling us how his trousers are tucked into his socks because he rides his bike everywhere. So as he's untucking, he proceeds to tell us that when we see old men walking around with their trousers tucked in, it's because they're avid bike riders, then he said, "Or they're just (insert f word here)ing insane!" Then he laughed at himself for a good 25 seconds, and obviously I was laughing out of complete shock! He apologized for how often he slips up. Anyhoots. Our class is discussion based. Our class is almost ALWAYS not in a classroom, but out looking at gothic architecture on field trips. Our tests are chill as can be. Yeah. It's the tops.

THEN MERCY. PROLLY THE BEST OF CAMBY SO FAR. I book it home from class, my hair starts out going all sorts of whack, and I throw a dress on! We hurry on over to King's chapel to hear the world-renowned, life changing, Evensong (a boys choir that performs in the chapel singing psalms in robes) I would've taken a picture, if I could've... but just picture heaven. and that was it. We're standing in this beautiful chapel, hearing truly angellic voices. It was one of those moments, that I KNOW I'll never ever forget. I wish I could've captured the entire hour long performance in a bottle, just to save it, for the rest of my life. I recommend it to ANYONE whoever goes on a European excursion. Even if it's the only thing you stop in England for, it's so so so so worth it. Everyone in the audience was worshiping in their own way. The Spirit was absolutely present. I felt it.This measly blogpost doesn't even begin to explain the experience Evensong was. I wish it did. It inspired me in ways I never could've imagined.

Fast forward an hour. Drinks on the lawn before our formal dinner. Everyone and their dog (except for us cougs) were drankin' the champagne up! One of my friends from Hopkins named Gauri was like, "Kels, this is really gross, try it." Folks, I'm ashamed but as she handed her goblet to me, I almost tried it. Then I was like, "oh mercy! sorry I don't drink!" Anyhoots, drinks was fun. My water tasted AMAZING, if you were wondering. Everyone said the champagne was not even excellent... but what do I know?! We're all conversing, getting to know each other, as their alcoholy breath was all over the place. But these are quality people! I'm not judgin' one bit! Our formal dinner consisted of even MORE drinking. Champagne. Wine. Coffee. Tea. I don't know how these peeps don't need to go to the loo every two seconds because they're drinkin' the heck out of everything! Yes, we had thinly sliced roast beef AGAIN. unreal. no complaints here. We were all dressed really fancy, served by butlers, holding a quadrillion forks. Our faces glowin by candlelight, while the great hall shone with the paintings of Pembroke's old masters. No wonder errybody looks so stoked in Harry Potter when they're in the Great Hall.

Guys. this is the tops. get yourself to Cambridge SOMETIME in your life. You won't regret it. Wandering the little streets, I realize, that this is the PERFECT place for a one-on-one date for Bachelorette! I could TOTALLY see it! It's real romantic, and the most excellent place to fall in love. In fact, I would not mind one ounce if I could have my honeymoon here someday. It's MAGICAL!!

Further take away:

EXPLORE small bakeries. If you think about it, it's really not that hard of a suggestion to follow. Pastries. Hot chocolate. Nutella. You've got it.

EMBRACE the chances you have everyday to meet new people. Some people are placed in our paths for a reason. At the end of the day, you made new friends, got a little bit better at listening, and maybe made someone feel cared about. People are FASCINATING. I'm learning so much about individuals and how wonderfully unique the Lord made us. Meeting people has always been one of my absolute favorite pasttimes, so I'm just chipper chicken over here! 

ENJOY the sauces, seasoning, and dressing in America. Because here, in the good ole UK, everything is like sauceless. It's whatever I guess.

***always remember and never forget, people are innately good! Give them a chance! Everyone has SOMETHING to offer, SOMETHING good about them. We've just got to look:)