Sunday, August 12, 2012

LONDON 2012. The Olympics from within.

Once upon a time (like 6 months ago) I was signing up for my Cambridge classes. I signed up for Sports Journalism that had a class description stating that we would be using the 2012 Olympics as our backdrop. I thought, "Neato." So I then asked my sweet mamacita, out of pure curiosity, where the 2012 Olympics were gonna be. and lo and behold.

she said London. I had no idea. and since I then I've felt everrrrr so lucky to be able to taste of the sweetness and excitement of the Olympics FROM WITHIN.

FAST FORWARD. It's August 6, 2012. You and two of your greatest friends head off to see the Men's Olympic volleyball game (US vs. Tunisia) ***my sweet Jenessa's cousin is the assistant coach to the team! Here are some pictures of us at the game!!!

Just me. and the flag. and the rings. 

Jen Girl and I with our flags! Bein' all patriotic like!

Told you he's good lookin'!

My lovely Jenessa told me to grab my hair in exclamation!

EXPLORE the court after games. Because hey, you'll never know what might be poppin' out of those portals! Like... say... for instance... the MEN'S OLYMPIC VOLLEYBALL TEAM! takin' pics and signin' autographs!

EMBRACE your country. It's not that I've trivialized my nationality, but cheering on your team, listening to your national anthem, rockin' the red, white and blue-- makes you rill rill proud, and feel rill rill privileged! The Olympics are such a special time because they make you appreciate your country and others so much more!

ENJOY the closing ceremony, folks:) cuz I know I did! What, Spice Girls made a comeback! I'm not complainin' one ounce!!!

HIGHLIGHTS, you ask?
-having the ENTIRE stadium sing "We are the Champions" in like 48 different languages. so. cool.
-sitting in front of Matt Anderson's mom, where we got the skinny on the team's most babein player.
-meeting Matt Anderson, as well as some of the rest of the team.
-getting stopped by NBC to ask us if we wanted to be on the news.
-cheering on the US, with some of the best Americans I know!

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